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Working Together

Customised packages and sessions are available. 

Discovery Session

A free informal face to face or video call. 


Before any commitment, it is important we meet to establish your needs to see if we are a good match. We will discuss what led you to seek out parent coaching, what challenges you are facing, how you are doing well, and finally, what type of support will work best for you and your family. If we are to move forward, it is vital that we both feel excited about working together through a shared understanding of your vision. We will also outline how the coaching / mentoring process will run and support you in achieving your goals.


If we both agree that coaching / mentoring with me will be impactful according to your chosen objectives, we can discuss the best package for you moving forward.

Coaching Package

A 3 or 6-month journey, coaching,guiding and supporting you to become the parent that you want to be.

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6 x 60 - 90 minute coaching sessions.


Regular support and coaching through emails, messages, optional readings, and printables. 


Access to 24/7 individual support when needed, through email and or messaging, and quick 'catch up calls' by arrangement. 


A concluding summary and feedback report including next steps and additional information. 



'In Action' Mentoring & Coaching Package

A 3 or 6-month journey, coaching,guiding, mentoring and supporting you to become the parent that you want to be, with practical 'in home' mentoring and support.


6 x 60 - 90 minute coaching sessions. 


1 60 - 90 minute home observation session. 


2 x 60 - 90 minute home mentoring and support sessions. 


Regular support and coaching through emails, messages, optional readings, and printables. 


Access to 24/7 support when needed, through email and or messaging, and quick 'catch up calls' by arrangement. 


A concluding summary and feedback report including next steps and additional information. 



Mini Package

2 sessions of coaching or mentoring and guiding you through a particular situation or challenge. 


2 x 60 minute coaching / mentoring sessions.


Access to 24/7 individual support when needed, through email and or messaging, and quick 'catch up calls' by arrangement for 14 days. 


A concluding summary and feedback report including next steps and additional information. 



Once-Off Coaching / Mentoring Session

Usually a follow-up or an occastional once off session. 


1 60 - 90 minute session with a  follow-up summary report and next steps. 



Nanny / Au Pair / Child Minder Support Package

For effective collaboration between families and au pairs / nannys / child minders. 


All of the above packages can be tailored to support effective collaboration between families and nanny's / au pairs / child minders. From sharing family values, to setting up routines and developmentally appropriate activities, we can help ensure fulfillment from all parties and the best outcomes for the children! 

Click here to learn more about our coaching ethos. 

What others say...


Tasmin, Parent

It’s not always been straightforward but you have helped us navigate a whole range of situations and consistently wanted nothing more than what is best for our kids. We can’t thank you enough.

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